Cocktail recipes with Coca-Cola

For more than 120 years, people have been drinking Coca-Cola, and, of course, during this long time they have come up with many recipes for how to make this drink even more beautiful. In bars, you can order non-alcoholic cocktails with cola, the number and variety of which will please every lover of this drink, and those who believe that Coca-Cola is not tasty will be able to see the opposite.Coca-Cola is a very invigorating drink, as it contains caffeine. But the most invigorating drink based on cola is a cocktail, which also includes coffee. It can be prepared at home. It's only worth remembering that Coca-Cola-based drinks are better to drink a few hours before bedtime, since the invigorating effect lasts for several hours and does not allow you to fall asleep peacefully, even if it seems to you that you want to sleep.To do this, you need to take a little cream, 30 grams, ice, chilled sweet coffee 100 grams and, of course, Coca-Cola 50 grams. All the ingredients are placed in a glass and stirred. That's it, the cocktail is ready! It will cheer you up very well if you are tired or if you still have a lot of work to do.Coca-Cola is also mixed with various juices and fruits are added there. For example, a cocktail is very popular, where 100 grams of Coca-Cola, 100 grams of cherry juice and 20 grams of lime juice are taken. All this is poured into a glass with ice and gently mixed.Or there is another wonderful recipe that combines cola with lime juice in a ratio of 1/5. All this is poured into a glass with a lot of ice and at the very end put a few mint leaves, this will give the drink a specific flavor.The combination of Coca-Cola and ice cream is very tasty. And making such a cocktail is very easy. We take a glass with ice, pour grenadine syrup into it, then cola and mix gently, and spread ice cream on top. If you have some chocolate, then rub it on top, it will be very nice and delicious.If there is a shaker in your house, then you can try the following recipe: put 20 grams of powdered sugar in a shaker, pour 10 grams of lemon juice, 100 grams of apple juice and a slice of lemon. Shake well. Pour into a glass with ice and gently pour in the Coca-Cola.Coca-Cola is often used to create alcoholic beverages, but this should be done strictly according to the recipe, since carbonated drinks already betray a certain strength to alcohol. And remember that the amount of alcohol should be less than the amount of any drink with which it is mixed. Ich bin wirklich enttäuscht, wie einige Websites brechen den Ruf aller Online-Casino-Websites, so viele Menschen nicht glauben, dass man online wirklich Geld verdienen können vor allem auf der Website slothunter .